

1596 2019-12-05 北京朗阁小编






Reading Passage 1



Question types

True/False/Not Given  6题

Short-answer questions  7题




1-6 True/False/Not Given

1. 欧洲定居者认为木头盖的房子比其他材料要危险的多 -- FALSE

2. 19世纪新西兰出口的木头主要用于造船 -- TRUE

3. 种植园的树比新西兰的森林要好得多 -- NOT GIVEN

4. Pine的用处很多 -- FALSE

5. 新西兰的住房在增长 -- FALSE

6. 未来的新西兰经济主要靠出口 – TRUE


7-13 Short-answer questions

7. 除了货币兑换产生的影响,还有哪些因素会影响新西兰木材的出口:costs of transport

8. 新西兰的哪个领域可以占到第三位:export

9. 2025年新西兰的工作人口是多少:60,000

10. 到2025年木材出口规模将会变成:the biggest sector

11. 另一种种植园木头可以满足出口需求:Soft wood

12. 北半球存在的竞争对手:Scandinavian countries

13. Substitute





1. 找出题目中的关键词,好先定位到原文中的一个段落。将题目中的关键词与原文各段落的小标题或每段话的句相对照。有些题目能先定位到原文中的一个段落,这必将大大加快解题时间,并*准确率。但并不是每个题目都能先定位到原文中的一个段落的。

2. 从头到尾*阅读该段落,根据题目中的其它关键词,在原文中找出与题目相关的一句或几句话。确定一个段落后,答案在该段落中的具体位置是未知的。所以,需要从头到尾*阅读该段落,找出该段落中与题目相关的一句话或几句话,通常是一句话。

3. 仔细阅读这一句话或几句话,根据第二大步中的原则和规律,确定正确答案。

4. 要注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。


剑12 test8 passage1


Reading Passage 2




Reading Passage 3




For the past five years, 44-year-old Finish-Syrian Rami Adham has dedicated his life to helping the children of Aleppo cope with the horrors of war by smuggling toys into the besieged city.


Rami Adhman was born in Aleppo, but moved to Finland with his family in 1989. When the Syrian civil war started, in 2012, he decided he had to help the children of his native city in any way he could. In the beginning, he never planned on taking toys, thinking that food, medicine, and drinking water were the things that mattered most. However, on one occasion of crossing the border, his daughter told him she wanted to donate her toys to the kids of Aleppo. He took the girl up on her offer, and upon seeing the joy on the Syrian children’s faces when he took the toys out of his backpack, he decided to make them a priority on his subsequent runs.


Adham soon became known as the “toy smuggler” and the “Santa of Syria”. He has so far made the journey from Helsinki to Aleppo 28 times, and doesn’t plan on stopping until the war ends. Until two years a, he crossed into Syria through the border with Turkey, but after it closed down, he started crossing into the war-torn country illegally, carrying an 80kg bag of toys on his back all the way to Aleppo. It’s a dangerous trip that he has to make by foot, because it’s dangerous to drive through rebel-held and vernment-held districts. But those aren’t the only forces he has to avoid, as he claims that his humanitarian efforts have also made him a wanted man by ISIS and Shia militias in Syria.


However, the dangers he faces on his every trip aren’t enough to stop the toy smuggler. His mission is just too important. “Right now, Syrian kids are just facing death and insecurity and constant threats. Toys are important,” he told The Telegraph.

“I can’t describe the emotions of the kids,” Adham recently told ZoominTV. “It’s something, as if they have t a new friend that can only be their friend. In this time of heavy bombings, there’s nothing we can do. At least we can bring some joy to these kids.


“Kids keep on coming to me and saying ‘You see all these toys I have? These are all from you, I’ve been collecting them. I have a family of toys now.’ It’s just beautiful,” he adds.


The father of six smuggles about 1,000 toys weighing 80kg on his every trip to Aleppo. They range from teddy bears, to Barbie dolls and action figures, depending on what he receives from donors back home in Helsinki. Regardless of what they receive, the children are always happy to have something new to play with.


He currently has a campaign running on FundMe, trying to raise €100,000. If successful, he plans on using the money to build schools in Syria close to Turkish borders, where they would be safe from constant bombing.


Asked what message the people still trapped in Aleppo have for the rest of the world, the toy smuggler said that they feel like everyone has abandoned them. These are people, not just numbers and statistics. “They want to know that the outside world one thing: how much death is enough for the world to react. Is it 200,000, 300,000, 700,000, a million? When is it enough until the world reacts? They cannot wait forever,” Adham concluded.






剑10 test 1 passage 1








