托福阅读之CNN News:巴黎圣母院救出文物移至卢浮宫 重建或需几十年(下)


704 2019-06-17 北京朗阁小编


上期托福阅读中我们介绍了巴黎圣母院救出文物移至卢浮宫 重建或需几十年(上),今天小编带大家一起来看看其后续内容。



The chaplain of the Paris fire service is being called a hero for rescuing that and other artifacts. And the cathedrals great organ is safe. Scores of the relics that survived were taken to the Louvre Museum.


Chaplain  n. (王宫等的)附属教堂牧师;( 军队、医院、监狱等的 )牧师;犹太教教士;(在社团等会议上)执行宗教仪式的牧师(或俗人)


Paris fire service 巴黎消防队


Artifacts   n. 人工制品;手工艺品;加工品


Scores of the relics 数十件文物




What was lost — the cathedral's spire, large parts of its roof and its ancient vaulted ceiling. The central part of the building was damaged.


the cathedral's spire巴黎圣母院塔尖


ancient vaulted ceiling古老的拱形天花板




The Paris Fire Brigade says it's not known yet what caused the fire. A French vernment spokesman says it could be months before the full scope of the damage is known, and a restoration expert expects it will take 10 to 15 years to fully rebuild Notre Dame.


The Paris Fire Brigade巴黎消防队


full scope of the damage全部受损情况





The Vatican has offered its technical expertise in restoring the medieval catholic church. And as far as funding es, French philanthropists and businesses have pledged more than $700 million in donations to restore the cathedral. That gives you one sense about what Notre Dame means to France.


Vatican  n. 梵蒂冈


technical expertise  技术*


philanthropists n. 慈善家


in donations to  捐赠用来


means to对什么的意义




Here's another —Victor Hu's novel, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" became the best selling book on Amazon France shortly after the fire took place. A different edition of the same novel was the second best selling book.


"The Hunchback of Notre Dame"巴黎圣母院


shortly after不久之后


A different edition一个不同的版本





