

1001 2019-06-11 北京朗阁小编





What kind of clothes do you dislike? Why?


Well, I really don't like clothes with glaring colors and vulgar patterns. Since I think that kind of clothes can easily draw people's attention, and even worse, it makes people who are wearing it appear to be coarse and have bad taste.

(好吧,我真的不喜欢颜色显眼和粗俗图案的衣服。 因为我认为那种衣服很容易引起人们的注意,更糟糕的是,它使穿着它的人看起来粗俗以及没有品位。)





How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore 10 years a?


Well, I have to say there is a huge difference between the clothes I wear today and those I wore ten years a. Since I was only a kid then, freshly graduating from primary school. And as I remember, most of the clothes I wore at that time were chosen by my mom. I wore dresses, jeans, T-shirts, etc. The biggest difference is that I don't wear dresses anymore.

(好吧,我不得不说我如今穿的衣服和十年前穿的衣服之间有很大差异。 因为我当时只是一个小孩,刚刚从*毕业。 我记得当时穿的大部分衣服都是我妈妈选的。 我穿着连衣裙,牛仔裤,T恤等。大的不同是我不再穿连衣裙了。)




How important are clothes and fashion to you? Why/Why not?

(衣服和时尚对你有多重要? 为什么/为什么不?)

Well, I'd like to say my first consideration while choosing clothes is whether they are comfortable and suitable for me or not. Fashion does matters a bit, but it is never my prime concern. Besides, I don't think I'm used to spend as much time in choosing clothing as my friends do.

(好吧,我想在选择衣服时首先考虑的是它们是否舒服以及是否适合我。 时尚确实很重要,但它绝不是我关心的问题。 此外,我不认为我习惯于像朋友那样花很多时间选择衣服。)





