雅思口语胡乱串Part 2话题


904 2019-07-24 北京朗阁小编

课间总会有学生拿着自己总结好的“串”在一起的Part 2题目给我看,问我这些题目可不可以“放在一起”?我每次都很无奈的表示:这些题目的答案是什么呀?不看答案,怎么知道是怎么“串”的呀?



然后,考生们还特别迷恋“串”题卡,恨不得把所有的Part 2题卡都用一个答案来回答,美其名曰“高效备考”...他的其中一个观点是:Part 2题目里面描述一个想要一起学习/工作的人可以和描述一个朋友的成功是一样的答案,朋友成功了我就想要和他一起学习/工作了...sounds od?


那么,这次让北京朗阁老师带大家来看看是怎么把上面那个“Describe a success your friend has achieved”的答案apply到下面这个“Describe someone you would like to study or work with”吧,原文如下:



Describe someone you would like to study or work with

You should say:

Who is person is

How long you have know this person

What you have done together

And explain why you would like to work/study with this person


The personal I would like to study with is my high school classmate. His name is Tom. And I often ask he some help when I have difficulty in my living or studying.

I was about to make a decision to study abroad or home when I was graduating from high school. I thought it was a very difficult thing to study abroad. In a new place by yourself could be overwhelming sometimes, and it tested your ability to adapt to diverse situations. And it’s highly possible that you would feel lonely and helpless every so often, because all of your close friends and family members were on the other side of the world. You would be completely on your own, and basically everything you took for granted in the past would then be a challenge, like paying bills, opening bank accounts, communicating with fellow students, and the list es on and on.

But, when I went to ask for his opinion, he told me that studying abroad is not as difficult as you think. There are many benefits to studying abroad. It’s a od opportunity for you to see the world and to experience different styles education. Besides, you can improve your language skills. And for a high school graduates who had never been far away from home, studying in a foreign country might bring out your independent nature.

His idea is really useful. As for the reason why I like to study with he because he always give me help when I meet difficulty.



所以,这是直接把“Describe a success your friend has achieved”的答案搬过来用了吗?介绍完人物名字就直接来了一句“And I often ask he some help when I...”(还有明显的语法错误),都不需要回答一下题目里面“How long you have know this person ?What you have done together?”这些问题了吗?而且后面两段关于“出国学习的利弊”跟这个题目到底有什么关系啊?






