

559 2019-05-31 北京朗阁小编





Question 1


The school provides some volunteer activities in the library for students. Which of the following activities would you prefer to participate in?

A) Finding books by using computers

B) Reading books to children

C) Preparing shelves in the library



Question 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People should be fined if they watch their mobile phones when they are walking on the way or across the road?

Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.


Question 3

Reading part


The school plans to cancel the tutorial lessons for engineering freshman for two reasons.

1. a lack of volunteer tutors;

2. no clear evidence shows that the tutorials can help improve the learning of students;

Listening part

【学生态度】:The woman holds a negative idea.

1. PhD candidates in engineering department can play the role. This will not take them a lot of time, and they are knowledgeable;

2. The tutorials benefit the students a lot. Students can have a better understanding of the textbooks and reading assignments.

Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.



Question 4

Reading part

【名词解释】:Pratfall effect:

When a person is already considered as competent, people will admire him or her more if he or she makes minor mistakes.

Listening part


A group of people watch two video clips, in which the same person answers the same questions except for one difference.

In the first video, the man answered all the questions correctly. In the second video, the man also answered all the questions correctly, but spilt a cup of coffee on his shirt. And people tend to prefer the man in the second video.



Question 5

【学生困难】:The girl wants to study in Germany, but the flight ticket is too expensive to afford.

【解决方案】:There are two possible solutions:

First, put off the timetable

Pro: can get the cheaper ticket

Con: miss the first orientation week in the school

Second, arrive in Berlin first and then take the train

Pro: save money

Con: As she has never been to Germany before, it would be difficult for her to find the way from the airport to the train station.



Question 6

【讲课要点】:The professor talks about two types of memory:

One is called declarative memory, which means a person knows the true fact of a certain thing;

The other one is procedural memory, which means that a person knows how to do a certain thing.

The professor uses the examples of bicycle and sports coach to illustrate these two kinds of memories.





