

1063 2020-07-31 北京朗阁小编


      1. “No”或者“助动词+not”

  一提到否定词,相信大家*快想到便是“no” 或者像“isn't”,“aren't”,

  “weren't”,“won't”, 和“wasn't” 这一类以助动词与 not 结合的否定表达。然而这种在阅读中十分直白的“显性”否定词在听力理解中却是难点。例如,在“Also the incentive should be something the individual actually wants, and this isn't always just  money.”中,很多同学反映并没有听到否定词“isn't”,因而会错误地理解为公司所*得 incentive(激励措施)应该都与 money 有关。看似简单的否定表达,在与前后单词的连读之后,在听力过程中就变得难以辨认。

  2. 带否定前缀 / 后缀的词

  此 外,在听力中难以辨认 的“否定”概念还经常出现在单词的前缀和后缀上, 例 如:unnecessary,impossible, wingless,misunderstand 等。在The latest的《剑桥真题 12》中,就考核了否定前缀 un- 的辨音与抓听。例如:

  题目:The word 'lazy' in this context refers to people who avoid doing tasks that are 37.

  听力原文:Here 'lazy' means having a rational determination not to carry out unnecessary tasks.

  很多学生在抓取答案时,会忽略否定前缀“un-”的发音导致拼写不完整,错误地填写 necessary 作为答案。

   3. 表示“否定”的单词

  在英文中,“否定”概念还可以通过简单单词,如实义动词、形容词、副词和介词等来体现。1) 动词类:avoid, deny,exclude,fail 等;2) 形 容 词 / 副 词 类 :neither,hardly,rarely, little,few,too 等 ;3) 介 词 类 : without,beyond,against 等。而在这些单词中,越是音节简单的词,越喜欢考核。例如:

  题目:14. Alice says oil exploration causes problems to dolphins because of

  A.noise.      B.oil leaks.

  C.movement of ships. 

  听力原文:This has long been a haven for dolphins because it has very little shipping (movement of ships). However, that may be about to change soon because oil companies want to increase exploratio n there. We're campaigning against this because, although there'll be little pollution from oil (oil leaks), exploration creates a lot of underwater noise.

  在这道例题 中,*设置了两次little 来否定 B 选项和 C 选项,但由于little 发音较短,很多同学反映只听到名词,并未注意到有 little 这一否定词, 或者出现将 little 误听为 a little 的情况。

      4. 表示否定的短语和句型

  提到雅思听力常考核的“否定”短语和句型,很多同学会立即想到“rather than”,“instead of”,“neither… nor…” 和“not…but…” 等。这些表达体现了雅思听力中难度很大规模的“否定”概念考点——“前肯后否”和“前否后肯”。在一些文本中,当说话人先表达否定了信息 A,再引出正确的答案信息 B 时,称作“前否后肯”,常用“Not A but B”, “Although A…,B…”,“Despite A, B…”等句型体现;而当说话人直接表达信息A“好于/ 强于”信息B 时,则是“前肯后否”,常用“prefer A to B”,“A is better than B”,“A rather B”和“A instead of B”等句型,而这两种概念在雅思听力考试中都会频繁出现。




