

662 2020-01-19 北京朗阁小编







比如谈到vacation 对于employee 的好处的时候,可以用到如下素材:a vacation gives workers a chance to recharge their mental batteris. Heading to a new location allows employees to clear their thoughts. After al,there is more to life than spreadsheets and sales forecasts . it also means workers get more sleep by escaping the tyranny of the early-morning alarm. In addition, they no longer suffer the anies of the daily commute: the cramped railway carriages or gridlocked roads. And best of all, there are no meetings to endure- no need to sit with a vaguely interested expression on ur face while time seems to slow to a craw.

比如如何描述一个公园: those who work in a big city are typically resigned to being stuck in cramped conditions, surrouned by busy roads. But there are exceptions. X Park in ____地点___is the kind of area that local residents here like to frequent on their days off. It has its own waterfall and lake, where ducks have taken up residence, and there are tree-shaded lawns where one can picnic on sunny summer days . the actively minded can head for a recreation area to play basketball or five-a-side football .




“ X ( 书名)”by _______作者名字______,a critically acclaimed but underexposed American Novelist(同位语介绍) , is an entralling book. With its short chapters , unsettling prose and riveting suspense, it feels desigend for binge-reading. But keep an eye on the clock. Immersion in this book before bedtime is recipe for sleepness.


以上三个段子是笔者在平时自己学习过程中积累到的素材, 拿出来供大家鉴赏。 需要说明的是, 口语如果想有质的飞跃,背素材是一个必须要经历的过程, 这个素材必须是native speaker写的, 在这里强烈推荐烤鸭们在学有余力的时候,可以读一下经济学人,里面在商业,科学,艺术,语言等诸多学科中,有很多可以整理下来的素材,通过加工背诵的方式, 在考口语前,大约背30个涉及各个话题的段子,基本上考试而言,无论是被问及什么问题,或者谈及什么话题,都可以做到对答如流,这就是很大的一个闪光点了。




当然,口语的*单靠背诵必然是不够的,还需要其他能力去辅助,笔者将会在综合谈雅思备考(中篇)中进行详细解读, 希望可以在烤鸭们备考雅思的过程中助大家一臂之力,由表及里对雅思考试有一个更加深入的认识。




